Course Description

Quick question for you…

Are you ready to know exactly how to overcome the destructive patterns that keep people:

  • hitting the same money walls, 

  • hurting their Key Relationships, 

  • and permanently blocking them from embodying their greatness

…so you can emerge consistently successful in life and business.

Let's be honest.

You probably already "know" most of the external "answers" - right?

I mean you’ve…

Read the books

✅ Invested in the courses

✅ Attended the Seminars

Yet…no matter how hard you work…

…it’s like you feel you are not as far along as you “should” be by now.

Or maybe you’re just sick and tired of feeling like you’re always rushing around trying to accomplish your goals, yet for some reason or another, you feel discontent.

Or maybe you feel like you’re at a dead-end and can’t seem to find your mojo anymore?

So let me ask you a question…

Isn’t it time for you to get shaken out of whatever is keeping you feeling stuck?

What if I could guarantee you that within a few weeks you could get over the stuff that’s been holding you back your entire life?

What if in a few weeks the weight and feeling in your stomach could be gone?

What if in a few weeks you discovered how to create a better world for yourself and know how to be present every day with those you love?

What if in a few weeks you unlocked the key to having a confidence and certainty in knowing you can find solutions to any problem you are presented with?

Resulting in a renewed life, being more of who you truly are and awakening to your potential?

These are the types of results we're choosing to guide people through over the next several weeks.

It’s a 12-week coaching experience designed to SHIFT who you are BEING at a Core Fundamental level.

This naturally transforms the way you deal with yourself, your kids, your wife, family members and your employees or your team members.

I guarantee you, if you join and play full out, everything in your life will be transformed into the next level.

🌎 Your life. 

💰Your business or career.
☮ Your ability to find an inner calm and peace.
💪 Your capacity to create and live a meaningful life.

Many High Achievers do not experience the passion, purpose and peace they are called to because they are always looking outside of themselves to create results.

They believe they can rely solely on Strategic Action and an incessant doing of things to create the freedom and results their heart longs for.

I’m here to tell you more doing will only create more of what you are experiencing now.



Self Sabotage.

Struggling and Striving.

After spending more than 10,000 hours coaching elite leaders and Forbes Top Social Media Influencers, we’ve learned there are four steps to reconnecting you to who you truly are and helping you break through the things that keep you stuck struggling and striving for a lifetime.

We’ve learned there is an easier way to produce MORE Results while working less and spending more time doing what you love.

And this is why we started Project SHIFT.


✅ If you’re tired of banging your head against a wall even though you do and try the…the Mediations…visualizations…affirmations…shadow work…journeys…

✅ If you’ve tried business course after business mastermind - the Ads, copy, landing pages, challenges, facebook groups, content… but you still feel stuck and confused… (even though it seems to work for everyone else…)

✅ If you know you have so much more to give, but you keep finding yourself playing small and comparing yourself to those ahead of you… (even though you know you “shouldn’t”)

✅ If you’ve tried all the external things - and you know that inner shifts are much deeper than positivity mindsets or spiritual bandaids people are prescribing…

✅ If you’re making great money — but already know you’re unfulfilled, burning out, and are seriously starting to wonder “is this really all there is?”

✅ If you’re ready to see the external results of all the hard work and training you’ve already invested in pay off in both your $$$ and your fulfillment, peace and stress free life…

Keep reading.

Because in Project SHIFT we’ll cover what is really required to SHIFT your WAY OF BEING…

And it’s not another external practice or bandaid.

It’s a full blown deconstruction of all the stuff that has hindered your real genius from flowing and shining effortlessly.

Proven by YEARS in the trenches and massive results.

Anthony John Amyx is a Life and Business Coach for Experts, Entrepreneurs, and Leaders. He specializes in helping people become Unstoppable in every area of their lives. He has been featured on CNN, BusinessInsider, and CreativeLive and has been a mentor to some of Forbes Top Social Media Influencers. Hubspot even named him as one of the Top 10 Business Coaches of 2018, 2019 and 2020.

Anthony John Amyx

Life and Business Advisor

Course curriculum

  • 01


    • How to Get the Most From This Program.

    • Join the Project SHIFT Facebook Community

    • Acknowledgements

  • 02

    Week 1: Rebuilding Your Field of Reality - and Unlocking Quantum Leaps.

    • What to Expect

    • Principles of Playing

    • Making Your Commitments

    • The List of Commitments

    • Align With the Truth

    • Expansion Action

  • 03

    Week 2: Understanding The Universal Way Of Being That's Been Killing Your Future

    • Welcome to Week 2

    • Feedback From Week 1

    • Centering Process For Facing Your Storm

    • The New Reality and the True Unreality

    • The Hidden Laws that Collapse Time

    • Splintering Our Core - Turning Around A Subconscious that Plays Small

    • Kids in the Closet: A Fable

    • Expansion Action 1.0 - Integrate Your Unconscious Shifts

    • Expansion Action 2.0 - Integrate Your Unconscious Shifts

    • Expansion Action 3.0 - Integrate Your Unconscious Shifts

  • 04

    Week 3: Unlocking The Hidden Power From Your Past

    • Welcome to Week 3

    • Feedback From Week 2

    • Evolving Your Biggest Origins 1.0

    • The Little Soul and the Sun (Audio Track)

    • Evolving Your Biggest Origins 2.0

    • Process of Being

    • Core Power Process

    • Allowing is the Key

    • Expansion Action 1.0 - Overview

    • Expansion Action 1.1 - How to Identify Your Area of Resistance

    • Expansion Action 1.2 - How to Breath

    • Expansion Action 1.3 - How to Use Guided Meditation Track

    • Expansion Action 1.4 - How to Leverage Daily Dialogue

    • Expansion Action 1.5 - Create a Video and Post Your Takeaways From Fire Breathing Into the Facebook Community

    • Expansion Action 1.6 - Fire Breathing (Audio Track)

  • 05

    Week 4: Transcending Your Mental Noise for Consistent Exponential Up-leveling

    • Welcome to Week 4

    • Feedback From Week 3

    • Escaping the Courtroom of Your Being

    • The Success Equation

    • Why Caring What Other People Think Is Killing Your Core Power

    • Expansion Action 1.0 - I Don't Give a Fuck Process (Audio Track)

    • Diffusing the Bullshit that Has Leaked Your Energy

    • Expansion Action 2.0 - Own Your Shit

  • 06

    Week 5: Deconstructing The Drama Entanglements That Hold You Back

    • Welcome to Week 5

    • Feedback from Week 4

    • Expansion Action 1.0 - Where Are You In Drama

    • Creator's Compass - Understanding Drama

    • Creator's Compass - Getting Out of Drama

    • Expansion Action 2.0 - Own Your Drama

  • 07

    Week 6: Coding an Epic Reality With Others (Easily!)

    • Welcome to Week 6

    • Feedback from Week 5

    • The Three Camps

    • Stepping Into Love

    • Integration Through Relationships - Understanding The Pool Shared of Meaning

    • Integration Through Relationships - The 4 Principles of Deeper Shared Meaning

    • Integration Through Relationships - Resolving Conflict and Disagreement

    • Expansion Action 1.0 - Self Love Meditation Experience

    • Expansion Action 2.0 - Sweaty Palm Conversation

    • Expansion Action 3.0 - Share Takeaways and Aha's

  • 08

    Week 7: Systematically Increasing Your Upper Limits (And Allowing Epic To Become Your Average)

    • Welcome to Week 7

    • Feedback From Week 6

    • Decoding Your Ancient Encoding

    • The Rules of the Game

    • Shift Moves - Shifting Stories With Others

    • Shift Moves - Shifting Stories with Self

    • Shift Moves - Truth Table

    • Shift Moves - Freak Out Session

    • Shift Moves - Flip the Script

    • Shift Moves - Mock the Voice

    • Shift Moves - Appreciation

    • Shift Moves - Be in Your Body

    • Shift Moves - Radical Honesty with a Homie

    • Shift Moves - The Breathe of Clarity

    • Expansion Action 1.0 - Completing Three Key SHIFT Moves

    • Expansion Action 2.0 - The Breathe of Clarity Audio Experience

    • Expansion Action 3.0 - Post Your Takeaways

  • 09

    Week 8: Leveraging Your Survival Instincts For More Capacity and Riches

    • Welcome to Week 8

    • Feedback From Week 7

    • The Number 1 Message Your Subconscious Is Always Screaming

    • Using Fear As Fuel

    • Expansion Action 1.0 - The Fear Process (Audio Experience)

  • 10

    Week 9: Resurrecting and Restoring Your Relationship With Your Body and Sex

    • Welcome to Week 9

    • Feedback From Week 8

    • Body Guilt and Shame - Transforming Your Relationship With Your Body to Create Peace, Power and Prosperity

    • Expansion Action 1.0 - Body Judgments

    • Expansion Action 1.1 - Mirror Work

    • Expansion Action 1.2 - Body Appreciation

    • Expansion Action 1.2 - Write a Letter to Your Body

    • Channeling Your Sexual Energy Into a Powerful Creation Tool

    • Expansion Action 2.0 - Action Overview

    • Expansion Action 2.1 - Healing Pelvic Floor Energy

    • Expansion Action 2.2 - Non Sexual Pleasure and Energy In Body

    • Expansion Action 2.3 - Get to Know Yourself Intimately

    • Expansion Action 2.4 - (Advanced): Experiencing Sexual Pleasure

    • Expansion Action 2.5 - Share Your Biggest Takeaway

    • Harnessing Sexual Energy to Create Intimate Connection With Your Partner

    • Expansion Action 3.0 - Sacred Conversation

    • Expansion Action 3.1 - Certify Your Partner In Your Pleasure

    • Transcending Porn and Transmuting It Into Powerful Connection With Self and Others

    • Exploring Polarity

    • Expansion Action 4.0 - Share Biggest Takeaways

  • 11

    Week 10: Rebooting Money, Unlocking Your Flow Of Cash and Accessing Your Core Purpose

    • Welcome to Week 10

    • Feedback From Week 9

    • Uncovering Your Secret Relationship to Cash

    • Expansion Action 1.0 - Write Money a Letter

    • What is Money?

    • Expansion Action 2.0 - Have Money Write a Letter Back

    • Expansion Action 3.0 - Shifting Your Money Stories

    • Money's Not the Only Problem

    • Expansion Action 4.0 - Unlocking Desires

    • Expansion Action 5.0 - Pearson's Law: Tracking Your Money

    • Expansion Action (For Entrepreneurs Only) - Money Mapping

    • Expansion Action 6.0 - The Becoming Meditation Explained

    • Expansion Action 6.1 - The Becoming Meditation (Audio Experience)

    • Expansion Action 7.0 Post a Video With Your Takeaways

  • 12

    Week 11: The Secrets of Being First Cause And Embodying Your Purpose

    • Welcome to Week 11

    • Feedback From Week 10

    • Your Word

    • Creating from Nothing

    • Your Integrity

    • Uncovering Your Northstar

    • Expansion Action 1.0 - Accepting Your Death So You May Live (Audio Experience)

    • Principles of Vision Casting

    • Expansion Action 2.0 - Crafting Your North Star Statement

    • Expansion Action 3.0 - Ideal Day

    • Expansion Action 4.0 - Post Aha's and Insights

  • 13

    Week 12: Quantum Execution Formula

    • Welcome to Week 12

    • Feedback From Week 11

    • Deciding and Declaring Your Next Unstoppable90

    • Expansion Action 1.0 - Build Your Unstoppable90

    • Building Your Success Engine Dashboard

    • Success Engine Diagnostics

    • Expansion Action 2.0 - Create Your Success Engine

    • Demonstrating Your Unstoppable90

    • Expansion Action 3.0 - Create DRD's and ACA's

    • 12 Actions to Stay Quantum and Destroy Resistance

    • 5 Principles to Stay Quantum and Destroy Resistance

    • Expansion Action 4.0 - Declare Your Unstoppable90 and Success Engine Targets

  • 14

    Q&A Call Library

    • April 14th

    • April 21st

    • May 5th

    • May 12th

    • May 19th

    • May 26th

    • June 9th

    • June 16th

    • June 23rd

    • June 30th

    • July 7th

    • July 28th

    • August 4th

    • August 18th

    • August 25th

    • September 1st

    • September 15th

    • October 20th

    • November 24th

    • December 1st

    • December 8th

    • December 15th

    • December 22nd

    • January 6th

    • January 13th

    • January 20th

    • January 27th

    • February 3rd

    • February 10th

    • February 17th

    • February 24th

    • March 3rd

    • March 10th

    • March 17th

    • March 31st

    • April 15th

    • April 21st

Pricing options

Explain how different pricing options might be valuable to different segments of your audience.